Car Insurance: Your questions answered.

When it comes to car insurance, it can be intimidating to make sure you have got the right level of cover. Especially if you need to make a claim and find out you’re not covered for something you thought you was. It’s perfectly normal to have lots of questions about car insurance (not just the […]
Top 10 Tips for Reducing Your Van Insurance

Your van works hard to keep your business going. Day in and day out, it puts in the hours to help you get the job done. Finding the right level of cover for your van and business doesn’t have to be a pain in the wallet or time-consuming. We’ll help you find the right level […]
Highway Code changes you probably weren’t aware of are set to take effect in 2022.

Last updated 29 January 2022 How long has it been since you read ‘The Highway Code’? Is it this week? Last year? When you took your driving test? Worse still, never! Continue reading if you responded “Yes” to any of the previous three questions. Following parliamentary approval, new Highway Code standards will take effect in […]
How to keep your home safe at Christmas

Father Christmas isn’t the only person wanting to sneak into your home this Christmas.
How to Winterize your home?

How to keep your home warm this winter. Autumn has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and winter is here. It feels like autumn has only just started. In recent weeks, the temperature has plummeted, and we are already seeing what this winter has in store for us with recent winter storms. […]
Make Your Fireworks or Bonfire Night Go Off With A Bang

Many fireworks displays have been cancelled for a second year running, due to the ongoing pandemic. Local displays usually attract thousands to their events and often raise valuable funds for a number of charities. However, organisers are citing the reason for cancellation is due to covid safety concerns. With organised local displays being cancelled, you […]
Fall In Love With Your Home Again This Autumn

Autumn is in full swing and we’ve got tips on how to fall in love with your home.
Can I Get Insurance for my E-Scooter?

Are you thinking of ditching your car for a greener mode of transport? Or maybe you no longer have a need for a car to do shorter journeys as you’re working from home? Research greener and affordable modes of transport, you may stumble across the trusty e-scooter. Recently, e-scooters have received a lot of criticism, […]
What to do in a flood?

Torrential rain has brought flooding and travel disruption to the UK recently. It seems that every week, the Met Office issuing weather warnings for heavy rain or thunderstorms. But with forecasters predicting drier/sunnier (hard to believe recently) summers, and the typical British weather, flash flooding is on the increase. But what should you in a […]
Top 5 cars for first-time drivers

But what do you look for in a first car if you’re a parent/guardian? We’ve put together a list of the top 5 cars for first-time drivers.